Sunday, March 17, 2019

Reasons Why Dogs Dig

Reasons Why Dogs Dig

There are many reasons why dogs dig holes in the yard. If you can identify the reason why your dogs digging holes then finding a solution to the problem becomes a lot easier.

Here are 3 common reasons why dogs dig:


        1.  Your dog finds digging fun.
        2.  They are seeking your attention.

        3.  Your dog is bored.

Let us now take a look at each in turn and suggest some ways you can stop your dog digging holes.

Reasons Why Dogs Dig

Your Dog Finds Digging Fun

Many dogs simply find digging holes fun. It amuses them and gives them a challenge.

Most dogs have a favorite spot where they always like to dig. A very effective way of stopping them is to bury some chicken wire just below the surface. When your dog next goes to dig in their favorite spot, their paws will scrape against the chicken wire. The chicken wire won’t hurt them, but they will not like the feeling and stop. If covering your lawn in chicken wire is not a good solution for you then you could try burying some blown up balloons in the holes where your dog likes to dig. When your dog next digs in that spot they will strike the balloon and it will burst. 

Reasons Why Dogs Dig

The sudden noise will startle your dog. Eventually, they will link digging in that area with getting a nasty shock and stop.

Dogs crave attention.

There one mission in life is to please their owners. If you do not give your dog enough attention then they may start to dig. After all, when you tell them off for their bad behavior, they do at least have your attention – even if it is not in a positive way.

Reasons Why Dogs Dig

Take your dog for long walks, play games of fetch and generally increase the time you spend with your dog. Ignore any attention seeking behavior and praise good behavior.

Your Dog Is Bored

If your dog is left alone a lot, then they can easily become bored. When this happens, your dog may think that digging a big hole in the middle of your lawn is a great way to relieve their boredom.
You need to burn off all your dogs’ excess energy before they are left alone so take them for a long walk or hire a dog walker to walk them during the day. Leave out bones and toys that your dog can chew on and play with.

Reasons Why Dogs Dig

Stopping your dog digging holes is not difficult provided you take the time to observe your dog and identify the problem that is causing the digging habit. Once you know why your dog digs, thinking up a way of breaking the habit becomes a lot easier.


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